23. Install the kick starter lever on the shaft and tighten the bolt. Push the lever down to be sure the piston moves freely inside the cylinder.
24. Be sure the mating surfaces of the cylinder and head are clean.
25. Install a new head gasket on the cylinder. Be sure you have the correct size for the model you are assembling. The 250 cc TT and DMR engines use a Imm thick gasket. The 250 cc Pioneer and Stiletto engines use a 2 mm thick gasket. The 250 cc Plonker uses a 3 mm thick gasket. All 175 cc engines use a l mm thick head gasket.
26. Install the head on the studs. The higher ends of the cooling fins are at the front of the head. Install the flat washers and 12 mm nuts finger tight.
27. Torque the nuts in the sequence shown in Figure 42 to 5 ft.-lb. Repeat the sequence, torqueing to 10 ft.-lb. Then once more to 15 ft.-lb. Be sure to follow this exactly to prevent warping the head.
28. Install a new spark plug finger tight.
29. Cover the intake and exhaust ports to prevent debris from entering.
Magneto Components Installation and Timing
1. Check the crankshaft woodruff key for wear or damage. Replace if in doubt. Lay the key upside down and tap the rounded surface with a hammer to widen it (see Figure 43) for a snug fit in the groove. Install the key in the crankshaft, tapping it in place.
2. Check the magneto stator for wear or damage. Be sure no metal filings are on it.
3. Install the stator on the engine with the scribed lines matching
and tighten the mounting screws.