The 1000cc OSSA (BYRA)
This OSSA prototype was entered in the 1972 Barcelona 24-hour race. The
engine was built of two 488cc OSSA YANKEE twins fitted togehter.
Here is a picture os the OSSA BYRA
1000 built in Barcelona by the engineer
Fernando Batlló ( who also built
a three cylinder 525 cc before
that). The bike raced in the 24hrs
of Montjuich in 1972 but crashed.
The engine gives 115 HP and the
top speed is 240 km/h (not bad
for 1972???!!!). The bike can be seen
nowadays in the motorcycle museum
of Bassella, on the road to Andorra
from Ponts, Lleida, Spain.
David Gallego eamil: DavidGallego@Telefonica.net
" Known as the "Ossa Mayor"
("The big Bear"), this bike is one
of the most charismatic in the history
of Spanish motorcycles, and masterpiece from
the engineer Fernando Batlló.
Starting from the base of a Yankee
engine, to which he added two extra
cylinders, one either side, making it to
a 977 cc. four cylinders. Driven by
his sons, Jesus
and Javier, the bike showed great
potential, after electrical problems were solved
first and traction (transmission of power
to the ground) afterwards.
The frame was inspired on the
Yankee one due to the
almost 100HP delivered."
Personal note: I have read that
with cylinders from a Phantom and special
exhausts the bike delivered 115 HP.
email from: Francesc Mengual
Barcelona email: tdvsl@msn.com
The OSSA 1000 was designed and built by the brothers Batlló,
friends of OSSA first enginer Mr. Giró (his son Carlos race in 125
cc GP just 1995) with his colaboration. This bike was not named OSSA, but
"BYRA 1000". I remember one of Batlló brothers, riding the BYRA
in the streets of Barcelona.
The BYRA was build with a frame of YANKEE SCRAMBLER (first version
built only for USA, type trail, color silver, with double cuna frame) and
a twin engine . For street, the exhaust pipe are four of Sport 250
Only one bike was build. At these time, in Spain are not problem for
circulation with a prototype
BYRA was the comercial name of aeromodelism engines, built by brothers
At the 1974 24 h. of Montjuich, the rider Cufi crashed against a tree
and died, at Font del Gat virage. The Batlló friends never repair
your bike...
I was one of the "controles" (marshalls?) of circuit. The first picture
is taken just after the accident. Sorry for my absolutly bad english...
Saludos de un OSSISTA
Francesc Mengual Barcelona email: tdvsl@msn.com

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