7. The end of the shift drum is 12 mm in diameter.  The left end of the lay shaft is 14 mm and the right end 16 mm.  The left end of the mainshaft is 17 mm and the right end is not shimmed.  The right end of the kick starter shaft is 15 mm and the left end 20 mm.  The selector shaft is not shimmed.

8. Figure 34 gives the part numbers and sizes of all transmission shims.

Figure 34.

			033-176-I	(.002" thick)
Left end of Lay shaft	033-176-II	(.004" thick)
			033-176-IV	(.008" thick)

Right end of lay shaft	033-292-I	(.002" thick)
	&		033-292-II	(.004" thick)
Right end of kick start 033-292-IV	(.008" thick )
shaft			033-292-X	(.020" thick)

			921-111		(.002" thick)
Left end of main shaft 	921-112		(.004" thick)
			921-113		(.008" thick)

			050-404-I	(.002" thick)
Shift drum		050-404-II	(.004" thick)
			050-404-IV	(.008" thick)
			050-404-X	(.020" thick)

Left end of kick start 	911-139-II	(.004" thick
shaft 			911-139-IV	(.008" thick)
			911-139-X	(.020" thick)

			991-139-II	(.004" thick)
Crankshaft shims	991-139-IV	(.008" thick)
			991-139-X	(.020" thick)

9. Put the original shims back on the shafts.  Install the assembled lay shaft with its shims in the right engine case.  Install the three crankcase guide pins in their holes and install a new center gasket on the right crankcase mating face.

10. Install the left crankcase and tighten at least five or more engine case screws.  The left end of the lay shaft is exposed through the bushing in the left engine case.  Measure the end play of the lay shaft at this point.

11. Measure the end play with a dial gauge or vernier caliper.  Reach in through the center of the main shaft bearing with a hooked tool to catch hold of the lay shaft.  Pull the shaft toward you by hooking the fourth gear on the lay shaft. Then push it away from you with the far right-hand gear. These two gears are an integral part of the shaft and will give you a true measurement of the movement.

12. Attach the dial indicator to the left engine case, if it is used.  The plunger touches the left end of the lay shaft and is parallel to it.  The end play should be .010" to .015".

13. If a vernier caliper is used, lay a straight edge of metal across the engine case (see Figure 35) and measure the end play by moving the lay shaft to the right and left as far as it will go.  Adjust the end play to .010" to .015" by adding or subtracting shims.

14. Remove the left engine case and add or subtract shims.  Install the case and check the end play again.  When the end play is correct, remove the lay shaft and put it aside.

15. Check the end play of the shifting drum with the caliper (Figure 36, p. 39).  Move the drum
back and forth with your finger in the hole in the case.  The end play should be .008" to .012". Remove the shift drum when shimmed.

16. Install the fifth driven main shaft gear in the right transmission bearing.  Tap it in with a soft mallet.

17. Install one of the main shaft needle hearings into the gear.  Then install a spacer 10 mm wide and then the other needle bearing.

18. Install the main shaft and shims into the gear and install the left case.

19. Put the vernier caliper on the end of the main shaft and measure to the inner ball bearing race (see Figure 37) with the shaft all the way to the right.
20. Install the clutch hub and nut on the shaft and pull it to the left.  Remove the hub and check the measurement of the shaft again.  The end play should be .02011 to .035". Write the end play down on a piece of paper.

21. Remove the left case and main shaft and install the complete kick starter assembly in the right case with the pointed end of the ratchet cam facing up.  Be sure the kick starter shaft has at least a .040" thick washer on each end.

22. Turn the shaft counterclockwise until it stops.  The ratchet cam will catch behind the stop bolt, disengaging the ratchet mechanism. If there are too many shims on the right end of the shaft, the cam will bind before the shaft reaches its stop, causing the kick starter to stick.  Remove one shim at a time from the right end of the shaft until it works freely.

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