27. Install the cush drive puller, number 999213, and push it down
far enough to expose the groove around the top of the cush drive shaft.
28. Fit the two collars to the groove in the shaft (see Figure 14) and
turn the handle of the puller clockwise until it pulls up tight against
29. Hold the spanner in one hand and tighten the puller with the other.
You may need a short length of pipe for more leverage on the puller handle.
30. Turn the puller until the cush drive shaft breaks loose from the crankshaft.
31. Remove the puller, spanner, thread protector, and cush drive shaft.
32. Use snap ring pliers to remove the snap ring from the kickstarter shaft
and discard it for a new one. Remove the large washer under the snap
33. Use a large screwdriver to remove the looped end of the kick starter
return spring from its mount in the case. Be careful that it doesn't
fly off the shaft and hit you.
34. Use a spring hook or needle nose pliers to remove the other end of
the spring from the kick starter shaft.
35 Remove the kick starter return spring and the other large washer under
the spring.
1. Loosen the 11 engine case screws on the right side of the engine 1/4
turn each. Then remove the screws, starting at the middle of the cases
and working towards the ends (see Figure 15).
2. Remove the large headed screw with the nylon washer behind it on the
lower right side of the engine. Remove the spring and plunger behind
the screw.
3. Lay the engine on its right side with the left side facing upward. Use
a 13 mm and a 14 mm open end wrench to remove the nut and bolt at the front.
4. Three guide pins locate the engine cases to one another. One is in the
hole at the very front of the engine and one through each of the rear engine
mount holes. Use a drift pin and hammer to tap these pins out of
their holes from the left side (see Figure 16).
NOTE: A short piece of 318" rod can be used as a drift for removing
the front pin, and a 1/2" rod for the two rear pins.
5. Tap the right end of the crankshaft with a rubber or plastic mallet
until the cases begin to separate.
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