10. The second and fourth gear on the mainshaft and the third gear
on the layshaft are secured by lock rings in grooves on the shafts.
Check the lock rings for up and down movement or side play on the shaft.
Replace any that are not snugly fitted.
1 1. Check each shifting fork carefully for wear or damage. The
fork has two thrust pads on the ends that are the only part that should
contact the sliding gear or dog.
12. If wear or damage indicating contact appears on any other part
of the fork, replace it.
13. Check the shift fork shaft for wear or damage. Slide
each fork back and forth along the entire length of the shaft to be sure
they are no binding.
14. Measure each thrust pad on each fork with a vernier caliper of
0 to 1 inch micrometer (see Figure 19). If any measurement is less
than .148", replace the fork.
15. Measure the width of the shift fork grooves in the two sliding
gears and the sliding dog (see Figure 20). If any groove is wider
than .170", re ace the art.
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