This book was written to help owners service and repair Ossa motorcycles. The information applies to all speed 175 cc and 250 cc models. It can also be used as a guide to servicing 125 cc engine.
Most of the service procedures covered are straightforward, and can be performed by any-one reasonably handy with tools. It is suggested however, that you consider your own capabilities carefully before attempting any operation in-volving major disassembly of the engine. Some operations, for example, require the use of a press. It would be wiser to have those performed by a shop equipped for such work, rather than to try to do the job yourself with makeshift equipment. Some procedures require precision measurements. Unless you have the skills and equipment to make these, it would be better to have a motorcycle shop make them for you.
Repairs go much faster and easier if your machine is clean before you begin work. There are special cleaners for washing the engine and related parts. Just brush or spray on the cleaning solution, let it stand, then rinse it away with a garden hose. Clean all oily or greasy parts with cleaning solvent as you remove them. Never use gasoline as a cleaning agent. Gasoline presents an extreme fire hazard. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area when you use cleaning solvent. Keep a fire extinguisher, rated for gaso-line fires, handy just in case.
Special tools are required for some service procedures. These
may be purchased at Ossa dealers. If you are on good terms with the
dealer's service department, you may be able to borrow his.
Much of the labor charge for repairs made by dealers is for removal
and disassembly of other parts to reach the defective one. It is
fre-quently possible to do all of this yourself, then take the affected
subassembly in for repair.
Once you decide to tackle the job yourself, read the entire section in this manual which pertains to it. Study the illustrations and the text until you have a good idea of what's involved. If special tools are required, make arrangements to get them before you start. It is frustrating to get partly into a job and then be unable to com-plete it.