Pictures from Miguell Barella, Brasil

My name is Miguel Barella and I live in S. Paul, Brazil.

I just visited your Ossa Page and I am happy that there are still many Ossa enthusiastics in the world.
Mr. Manuel Giró - Ossa's founder and CEO - was my uncle (he was married to my father's sister) and I had the opportunity to visit the Ossa factory many times in Barcelona when I was in my early twenties; I even met Mick Andrews once and he gave me an autographed picture from the Scottish 6 days trial.
I have a lot of catalogs manuals etc that I would like to scan and forward to you so you can add to your site.

By the way, do you have only interest in off road bikes? Any material about the
famuos magnesium monocoque watercooled 250 cc Ossa prototipe?

Miguel Barella, S. Paul, Brazil.

Photo signed by Mick A!

OSSA mainpage
Mats Nyberg