John Leone,Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA

22 Nov 2001
I've visited your site many times. Great stuff!
I was very active in off-road riding in the 70s and early 80s in New England. I rode an OSSA Pioneer for many  enjoyable miles. I loved that machine.
As a New England Trail Riders (NETRA) member, I was on the board of trustees, state trail director, and  co-founded a local chapter. I also contributed articles and photography to Bob Hicks' New England Trail  Rider Magazine. Bob was an American ISDT Rider (OSSA) in the late 60s, and early 70s). He's into boats now.  Very interesting guy.
In 1973, Don Norris (Hicks' publishing partner) and I visited John Taylor (President of Yankee Motors -- OSSA  importer, etc.) in Schenectady, NY. We returned to the Boston, MA area with a new OSSA SDR in tow. (Taylor  also gave me a factory OSSA race banner which I still have.) Over the next month or so, a few of us took the  SDR for test rides and contributed observations and photos for a New England Trail Rider Magazine article.

John Leone, Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA

OSSA mainpage
Mats Nyberg